The Swedish Dockworkers Union is the independent union for dockworkers

2022-07-25 In the SDU, trade union tradition is renewed in a way that is only possible in an organization consisting solely of its members and based on the members' involvement.


The Swedish Dockworkers Union was founded in 1972. Since the start we have put internal democracy first. All important decisions on agreements and disputes are taken by the affected members, and most of the activity takes place in the local branches. On a national level we arrange courses, giving opportunities for members from different parts of the country to meet, and we have the overall responsibility for contacts with the government.

Being the majority union in Swedish ports, we are able to coordinate support for each other when necessary.

Phone: +46 8 667 32 50
Adress: Swedish Dockworkers Union, Sydatlanten 15, 418 34 Gothenburg, Sweden


News in English

2022-07-25 The Swedish Dockworkers' Union pledges full support to the Liverpool dockers in their wage dispute with Peel Ports

2022-05-17 The Swedish Dockworkers' Union gives notice about new industrial action against Russian ships and marine traffic to and from Russia in all Swedish ports

2022-03-17 Swedish Dockworkers Union gives notice about nationwide blockade against Russian ships and cargo

2019-01-14 The Swedish Dockworkers Union gives notice about upcoming national strike action

2018-11-06 The result of the national membership ballot is in

2018-10-04 Negotiations were held concerning the possibilities to sign a central CBA

2018-06-15 Swedish Dockworkers Union supports Greek labor unions

2018-06-08 Confederation of Swedish Enterprise together with large union cenfederations presents joint proposal for limited right to strike

2018-06-08 The Swedish Labor Court rules in favor of 25 dockworkers against APM Terminals Gothenburg

2017-07-05 Facts about strikes/lock outs at APMT 2017

2017-07-03 Solidarity demonstration and international sympathy strikes

2017-06-22 APMT Gothenburg announces mass layoffs

2017-06-08 174 hours - APM Terminals dramatic lockout continues

2017-06-08 The CBA issue and the SDU's compromise proposals

2017-04-19 The SDU's demands in the APMT dispute

2017-04-02 APM Terminals Gothenburg launches massive cuts on Monday

2017-03-13 New information but no solutions in the mediators' final bid

2017-02-27 Fruitless international meeting with APM Terminals Gothenburg

2017-02-17 SDU and APM Terminals return to the negotiation table

2017-01-24 Brief strike report

2017-01-23 The strike notice is still in force

2017-01-13 New strike announced at APM Terminals Gothenburg

2016-12-24 APM Terminals christmas message: no compromise - the dispute escalates

2016-12-16 About today's meetings

2016-12-09 Short comment on APMT's letter to it's employees today

2016-12-05 Overtime ban resumed at APMT Gothenburg

2016-12-02 Clarification before the weekend

2016-11-28 State madiation has been initiated

2016-11-25 Mediation starts on Monday

2016-11-25 The parties have asked for state madiators

2016-11-21 APMT cuts off alla paid union time for the local SDU chairman

2016-11-21 To APMT Gothenburg costumers

2016-11-18 The strike has ended

2016-11-16 Strike report day 2

2016-11-09 A new low: The Swedish Transport Workers' Union shifts position om the APMT despute

2016-11-07 Short update

2016-11-07 Short update on Sunday's APMT negotiations

2016-11-04 No progess at negotiations today

2016-11-04 International support in the APMT despute

2016-11-03 Ongoing diskussions

2016-10-28 Extencive information about the resumed conflict at APMT Gothenburg